#358 Blue Grosbeak

Monday, October 9th, 2006

Blue Grosbeaks are regular accidentals in New York. Usually they show up on Staten Island or along the coast at Fort Tilden or Jones Beach. I’d avoided chasing any of several that had showed up earlier this year, but the recent sighting in Central Park, where they’re much less common, was too tempting to resist. Starr Saphir first found the bird on Saturday morning. It has hung around since then, and was reported again this morning at 9:30 A.M. I’d considered heading out early to try for the bird, but I had a noon lunch meeting in town, and I didn’t want to show up all sweaty from the park, so I took a chance that the bird would still be there in the afternoon. It paid off.

Blue Grosbeak in Wildflower Meadow

Pitcher Plant

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

Carnivorous plant

Orono Bog, Maine, June, 2006


Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Monarch Butterfly
Prospect Park, 2006-08-15

Virginia Creeper Sphinx

Friday, October 6th, 2006

Virgina Creeper Sphinx moth

Cheesequake State Park, New Jersey, 2006-08-15

Full Text Feeds and Other Matters

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

I’ve managed to get the full text feeds going again. However the paragraph breaks and some other markup is getting lost. More work is needed. I’ve also managed to put one Google ad back on the site without obviously breaking Safari like the old ads did. Still, for the time being most longer articles can be more easily read in a browser on the site than in your feed reader.

Update: The full text feeds should now be fully functional with all markup intact. Holler if you notice any problems. I still need to check the category specific feeds and the comment feeds.

Forage Looper

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

Caenurgina erechtea moth

Caenurgina erechtea, Floyd Bennett field, 2006-10-01
