My MacBook seems to have caught the dread “Connection timeout” bug for wireless networks. It’s got the usual symptoms: everything was working fine and then suddenly it couldn’t connect to my parents’ wireless network, although it could connect to other networks and other computers could connect to this network. This bug has been around for a while, since at least 10.4, and Apple keeps saying they’ve fixed it in each new point release, but it keeps showing up.
I suspect someone’s going to give me an Amazon gift certificate for Christmas, and someone already gave me an Android. What’s the best book for learning to develop or Android? There aren’t a lot of choices yet:
Which ones are worth the paper they’re printed on and which ones are headed for the recycling bin as soon as the next SDK version hits the ether?
I flew American Airlines for the first time in a few years yesterday. It was cramped, uncomfortable, and crowded. I could tell they’ve stuffed in extra rows of seats since the last time I flew them on anything but a shuttle. The snacks were bad, small, and expensive ($4 Cheese plate: One piece of cheese, four crackers). Beth liked the movie (Horton Hears a Who) but they charged $2 for headsets.
I’ve been compiling ghc from MacPorts on this 2.0 GHz MacBook, and I’m beginning to wonder if it’s hung. I’ve been stuck on “Building ghc” for quite a while, maybe an hour:
---> Cleaning perl5.8 ---> Fetching ghc ---> Attempting to fetch ghc-6.10.1-src.tar.bz2 from ---> Attempting to fetch ghc-6.10.1-src-extralibs.tar.bz2 from ---> Attempting to fetch ghc-6.8.2-darwin-i386-leopard-bootstrap.tar.bz2 from ---> Verifying checksum(s) for ghc ---> Extracting ghc ---> Applying patches to ghc ---> Configuring ghc ---> Building ghc
Certainly it was long enough to answer a bunch of e-mails, and edit an article. Is this the point where it actually compiles the compiler? Is ghc self-hosting? That is, is ghc written in ghc? That may be what the bootstrap bit is about. Yep, looks like it is.
I do remember 2 hour gcc compiles, but that was 15 years ago on much slower hardware. How long does it take to compile a compiler nowadays?
Not having a Blu-ray player I hadn’t had reason to notice this before, but apparently the Blu-ray DRM system has been well and thoroughly cracked. Anyone who couldn’t see this coming is sufficiently detached from reality to qualify for a climate scientist job in the Bush administration.