#944 and #945 near the Tarcoles River

From La Ensenada, we drove back to San Jose; but with quite a few stops along the way. The lunch break in Tabaris added several beach species to the trip list, including Laughing Gull and Black-crowned Night-heron; but these are all long-distance migrants or widespread species of herons and gulls, so no lifers there. However I did have a life reptile, the Black Ctenosaur:

Black Ctenosaur, Ctenosaura similis, the fastest lizard in the world

These things are huge! I had great trouble getting far enough away to get one in the frame with my 400mm lens.

After lunch we stopped along a dirt road near the Tarcoles River, where we found #944, Scarlet Macaw! The last is one of those spectacular birds you think of when you think of the tropics. We only saw them at a distance, but they were pretty nonetheless.

Scarlet Macaw in Tree

We also picked up #945, Scrub Euphonia, a very drab little gray bird, almost the opposite of the Scarket Macaw in showiness.

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