#555-#563 at Breakfast

The scent of eggs pulled us down from the roof for 45 minutes or so around 7:30 AM, but that didn’t stop the birding. During breakfast, we kept running to the windows as new birds appeared. Over scrambled eggs and sausage stew, we managed 11 species including 9 lifers:

  1. Long-billed Hermit
  2. Purple-crowned Fairy
  3. Brown-capped Tyrannulet
  4. Red-capped Manakin
  5. Lesser Greenlet
  6. Green Shrike-Vireo
  7. Barn Swallow
  8. White-shouldered Tanager
  9. Palm Tanager
  10. Blue Dacnis
  11. Scarlet-rumped Cacique

Barn Swallow of course I’ve had in many other locations, and Palm Tanager I had before breakfast. This is shaping up to be a really great day.

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